If You Have Been Prescribed Weight Loss Drugs

If you have been prescribed diet drugs, in general, you should have first failed at dieting:

If you failed at dieting by following an expert's advice, it is most likely that you failed because the diet you were given was flawed.

Expert's diets are flawed in one main way - they are too extreme. So extreme, that no one can follow them.

There are several different ways in which expert diets achieve their extremeness.

To understand them, you have to look to the physiology and starvation literature and recognize that the diet literature is corrupt.

If you want to gain an understanding of the problem, read my ebooks: Why Diets Fail: The Simple Mistake That Ruins Millions Of Lives and MASSematics tm: How To Get Rich By Not Dieting. Both are available here.

Diet drugs have their own set of reasons why they should not have been prescribed:

1.    If you failed at dieting and the diet was provided to you by an expert, you had no choice but to fail since the diet was, in all probability, flawed.

This means that you did not have a real opportunity to avoid taking medication, since the diet you were given was destined to fail you.

Your doctor should have first made sure that you were on a possible diet program, instead of an impossible one.

Since you were not given a real opportunity to lose weight by dieting, the drugs you were prescribed were not indicated.

Therefore, they should never have been prescribed.

2.    Because you were not aware that your diet virtually guaranteed you would require drugs, you could not provide an informed consent.

Treatment prescribed without an informed consent, except in instances where consent is impossible (e.g., coma following a car accident), is a breach of medical ethics and possibly negligence.

You may be able to recover damages if you have been the victim of medical negligence or medically unethical behavior.

3.    If you were not provided a diet to follow before you were medicated, it is possible that you should not have been medicated. Arguably medication would initially be indicated, but only in addition to dietary therapy, increased physical activity, and behavior therapy (i.e., lifestyle therapy) if you had certain complications from your overweight or were obese. However, if your doctor "let" you continue to gain weight until you needed diet drugs and did not warn you of the consequences of your weight gain or attempt to intervene earlier, then you may have been injured.


If you were on a diet first and failed, the following may have injured you:

If the diet:

If you were not on a diet or exercise program before being drugged, then you may have been injured.